Surviving Through Cancer Bravely, This Bride Is Looking Awe Striking In Her Bridal Photoshoot

Surviving Through Cancer Bravely, This Bride Is Looking Awe Striking In Her Bridal Photoshoot

What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger

This is one quote we all have heard during one or the other point in our lives from people who strongly believe in the sense of positivity and believe in themselves.

But what if you are a cancer patient?

Staying positive and happy is not something which is easy to adopt and abide by. Loads of chemicals, treatments and whatnot make your body surrender, your heart crying and your soul dying. But those who sail through such turmoil bravely, while putting up their bravest face up front are the ones who set an example.

One such person to mention here is Instagram's new sensation worldwide, Ms. NaviIndranPillai, originally named Vashnavi Poovanedran. Her recent bridal photoshoot entitled "The Bold Indian Bride" is not like the usual bridal photoshoot with relatives and friends around, flower decorations and photo booths, instead is all about her as a breast cancer survival bride.

The photoshoot is aimed at empowering cancer patients through awareness and to help them embrace their new self without hesitation. With this, she has not only broken the stereotypes surrounding a shy and coy bride but instead of cancer patients and survivors too who are robbed of beauty and confidence while fighting this disease.

In a series of posts posted online, this Malayasian of Indian descent has empowered such people with her strong words, feelings and emotions to not feel less beautiful than others, even if a woman's "crowning glory" has shed due to the treatments and medications going on.

Poovanedran wrote that she had thought herself to be cancer-free until it returned 5 years later, spreading to her liver and backbone. Though with the support of her family and her zeal which didn’t dampen during the entire process, she beat it again in December 2018 and decided to marry in early 2019.

If someone would look at her photos, she's not less beautiful without her hair, instead of more cheerful and chirpy with a sense of strength and achievement. Sitting and laughing in a red tomato saree with a white tulle veil on, with mehndi on her hands and feet, she looks breathtakingly gorgeous. Though her makeup artists said that the toughest part was to hold the matha patti on her head due to no support, they were firm in doing so to make the bride happy. Besides this, another challenge was to carve eyebrows which had been lost due to treatment. The photographs-captured by photographer Celes Gerard—have managed to strike a chord with thousands of women, both praising him for his perfectly timed shots and the bride of course for that beaming smile on her face.

Putting up pictures of her bridal photo shoot on the popular photo-sharing platform has really helped cancer survivors come up with a heroic face, not to think of what others think about them, instead be happy and comfortable in your own skin.

We wish Poovanedranaka Ms. Pillaihearty congratulations of overcoming the disease and motivating others. May she remain healthy, stay happy and keep inspiring others on the way!

P.S.: Don't forget to check her Instagram handle for hell lot motivation and updates of her life and journey!

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