How To De-clutter A Clutter-ing Wardrobe With These OTT Tips And Tricks

How To De-clutter A Clutter-ing Wardrobe With These OTT Tips And Tricks

Are you someone who is falling short of space in the wardrobe?

Are you not able to find your favorite black tank top or those blue boyfriend jeans when you need them the most?

Is your boyfriend or husband, wife or girlfriend constantly complaining about your clothes and other?

Then Oh boy, you have a messy cupboard and you surely need to get rid of it and why we have listed above already (toodles).

How to de-clutter a clutter-ing wardrobe with these OTT tips and tricks

We accept that cleaning your wardrobe with excessive stuff is not an easy task. You have to get rid of certain things or maybe a lot of things you have kept for ages but haven’t used or worn, or have just seen the sunlight once since the time you have had them!

In that scenario, it becomes highly important that you get rid of the clutter in your wardrobe and actually make some room for your partner to keep their stuff or you yourself to feel and be more organized.

But how to go about doing that?

We are there to help you out, don’t worry. So let’s get started and DE-CLUTTER IT ALL!

1. Let the wardrobe puke

Yes, first and foremost thing to do is to actually throw out everything off your wardrobe or your cupboard to give you an idea of the mess and also to make you realize the precious space of the wardrobe and the amount of stuff you can fit in and have actually fit in. Make a pile of it or just spread it all over your bed or on to the floor!

Just clear off your closet of everything, easy and simple as that! Cool?

2. Answer these 7 questions brutally honestly

Now when you actually begin to de-clutter, there’s a lot of mental and psychological working going on in your mind which you need to cater to. Then the major physical work starts. Ask yourself these 7 questions and be a brutal critic while answering them or ask someone who could be that honest with you.

Q1. Do I love it? Q2. Do I wear it? Q3. Do I feel myself in this piece? Q4. Does it fit me properly? Q5. Does this shoe hug my feet nicely? Are the heels pinching? Q6. Does it cause itching or scratching? Q7. Is it worth the price and the number of times I have worn?

clutter-ing wardrobe

If you see more positives than negatives, then you must keep that piece of clothing or footwear or accessory or whatever item it is. Try to take the capsule approach that is keeping those items which could be paired with one or the other thing rather than being used once and then kept aside. This approach is gaining huge popularity among folks and tidy experts (yes there are people called as tidy experts, who help you out with cleaning and keeping stuff in an organized manner) to work with this approach in mind.

P.S.: Don’t hang on to certain things because you loved or worn them at some time, think of the present and see if they really make you feel happy and yourself NOW!

3. Make and analyze the “maybe” pile

Yes, if there is something you aren’t able to throw away even after answering those 7 questions above, keep it in a maybe pile. This is the one which we would be reconsidering later and will leave till all the items have been sorted and arranged.

Now when everything has been put in the maybe pile, dig deep into it and analyze as to whether you really want to have it or throw it away. If you can’t throw it away, then donate! If you know you are donating, it would make it easier for you to cross things out that aren’t needed “really”. Moreover, charity begins at home and this is the point to start charity at.

4. Finalize things off

Now that you have actually done a brilliant job, it’s the time that you keep the final stuff in your closet, rejected items out (whether to be sold or donated), and manage your wardrobe by not keeping off-season stuff totally off to somewhere else. Instead at one place in case you need them. Like a summer tank top might be required in winters with some layering or boots for winters to be paired with a dress in summers.

P.S.: Sell things if you think they are a bit pricey and aren’t of that little worth to just throw away like that or even donate. And donate that stuff which you think and know you won’t be using at all and can help someone in a better way.

5. Enjoy!

How does it feel now seeing the things are in their right place without looking clumsy and shabby? Does it feel great on your part? If you feel like you have conquered a war, then voila, you actually have and now just step back and see the silence of your clothes in there (laughs).

Finally, after so much brainwork and physical work, the wardrobe is neat and clean with only the required things and not anything and everything which was there.

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